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to see on Twentysomething?

Clamoring for an update on a certain classmate? Eager to share an event with fellow Class of 2002 members? Feedback is appreciated.

E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Alyson (Eising) Peipert

Check in and catch up with former cheerleader Alyson, now a married pharmaceutical sales rep!


Favorite High School Memory My favorite high school memory is actually when a huge group of us went to Fort Lauderdale, FL for our senior year spring break. It was just such a blast being on this trip with all my friends knowing that it would probably be the last time we would all be together like that before we all went off to college. Some of the memories from that trip are ones I cherish the most.

Favorite High School Class I have to say Latin all because of Mr. Tamaroff or Mr. T as we all called him. He provided such a fun atmosphere and I had some of the greatest classmates that kept me on my toes (and those reading this that were in there with me will definitely understand what I mean) like Richard Finneran, Ethan Brown, Tom Leb and Steve Kline.

Favorite High School Activity: Of course, cheerleading. I was involved in a lot but this was the only activity I was a part of for all four years of high school. It was from this cheer squad that I gained some the best girlfriends that I still have strong friendships with today like Ami Holthouse, Alex Panos and Jaclyn Kollar. Plus it was fun to be a part of the Friday night football games, Homecoming and pep assemblies…especially when we incorporated the football players in to our routines! Yet, I will have to say C-520 holds a close second just because it pushed me to certain limits I didn’t think I could obtain and built some solid foundations for how I would do things later in life.

In 2002, I spent my weekends: I remember going to the movie theater a lot or having people over to my basement for a party or we often found ourselves at Jaclyn's house especially for Myrtlewood Stock. I also remember a few late night kickball games at my house with all our Jeeps providing the spotlight for the games... oh the memories.

In 2011, I spend my weekends: My husband Adam and I are very involved in MU athletics so we will often find ourselves at a ballgame/tailgating. If there isn’t a game going on then we are hanging with our fellow Columbians Lauren Kelly and her fiancé Chris or just relaxing at home with our precious puppy Millie. However, 2011 is the year of weddings for us so lately it seems like every weekend is either a bridal shower, bachelorette party or a wedding but we are enjoying every minute of it all.

Anything else to add about LHS or the Class of 2002?

I’m so thankful for the high school experience that I had at Lafayette. This was my first public school experience but academically it still felt like a private school yet allowed me so many more social experiences that I otherwise wouldn’t have had. The dances, cheerleading and great friendships I gained will be with me forever and I’m very thankful for it all.

What I'm up to now

Currently I work as a pharmaceutical sales rep for Abbott Laboratories and just completed my Masters degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Healthcare Management in December 2010.

My husband and I got married in November of 2008 and we are currently in the middle of building a new home which we hope to be in by the end of June 2011. We currently reside in Columbia, MO.