What do you want
to see on Twentysomething?

Clamoring for an update on a certain classmate? Eager to share an event with fellow Class of 2002 members? Feedback is appreciated.

E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Emily Ingram

Remember those delicious Otis Spunkmeyer cookies? Emily Ingram fondly recalls her stint in the school store and lets us know how she spends her school days now.


Favorite High School Memory Oh my, so many to chose from... Every year had something new and different! I guess my favorite memories are performing in the Pep Assemblies. All of the hard work and practicing before hand, and then the anticipation of, "I hope I don't drop anybody on their head...," and then hearing everyone cheer for us after was a one of a kind experience.

Favorite High School Class I enjoyed Mr. Willard's Language Arts class. We got to be creative and express our opinions. I wish I could I have kept the essay I wrote for our final exam to the prompt, "What Grade Do You Deserve and Why?..." I am not sure what grade I received, or what grade I argued that I should have gotten, but I do remember getting the chance to be totally honest about why I didn't always do my homework, but how I still learned so much in the class!! (Sidenote: I now feel like I should go through these questions and remove, "is, am, was, were, be, being, been.")

Favorite High School Activity: This is a cruel irony: I now work in a school, and cannot stand when kids are smart alecks in class...but I think doing that was my favorite activity... I also really enjoyed helping out the school store/making cookies senior year. "One piece of dough for the oven, one for me. Repeat."

In 2002, I spent my weekends... hangin' out with friends!

In 2011, I spend my weekends: still hangin'! some new faces, sometimes old.

Any other thoughts about LHS or the class of 2002?

Make new friends, but keep the old....but meet as many new and different people as you can! The more new personalities you encounter, the more you learn about yourself.

What I'm up to now

I am currently a Library Media Specialist for the Orchard Farm School District. I travel to two different elementary schools and a middle school. I truly love my job. Whether I am reading a silly story to Kindergarteners, trying to read aloud tearjerkers about dogs in combat to the older kids, or selecting the hottest new Young Adult novel for the middle school (Twilight, Hunger Games- I bet I heard of them first), I know that I am loving life, and making a difference at the same time. It is awesome! No kids, just a dog, and I am living with my amazing boyfriend, Joe.