What do you want
to see on Twentysomething?

Clamoring for an update on a certain classmate? Eager to share an event with fellow Class of 2002 members? Feedback is appreciated.

E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Josh Turner

The Turners have gone Texan...take a trip down memory lane with the newly transferred Josh.


Favorite High School Memory Driving around Strecker Rd. listening to the String Cheese Incident with whomever would join me.

Favorite High School Class Probably one of the math classes I took with Mr. Krull. Math is not the most enjoyable subject, but he was such a weird, funny guy. I think I learned more from him about how to view the world from multiple perspectives than I actually I did about math. I think that ability has proven more valuable in my professional life than anything I learned about the quadratic equation.

Favorite High School Activity: It would have to be running track although I have to admit that there were other less wholesome activities near the top of the list.

In 2002, I spent my weekends: Driving around trying to find something to do unless Tobin Hafeli was having people over.

In 2011, I spend my weekends:

  • • Traveling as much as possible to see friends and family in Omaha, St. Louis, and various other places
  • • Exploring a new city
  • • Working on our new home
  • • Playing golf

Any other thoughts about LHS or the class of 2002?

I am absolutely grateful for the experiences that I had while at LHS. Academically, we were all afforded opportunities that I don't think a lot of other public school students get, and socially, I think there was a great environment to meet a lot of people and have a really good time. Looking back, I wish I would have appreciated how much easier it was before house payments and a big boy job, but I think I owe a lot of my accomplishments thus far to the foundation laid by my tenure at Lafayette.

What I'm up to now

After I got my Bachelor's degree from Missouri State University, I worked for a couple years at a refrigerated trucking company based in Springfield, MO where I managed a book of business in their third party logistics group and spent extended periods working onsite with customers in Madison, WI and Albany, NY. My wife Kathleen and I got married in September of 2009 after we met at the trucking company where we both worked (I was the guy who dated the intern!). I currently work in the marketing and sales department at the Union Pacific Railroad. My current responsibilities include sales accountability for several Petroleum related customers and managing business development efforts related to domestic crude oil distribution. In June 2011 we relocated from Omaha, NE to a Northern suburb of Houston, TX for my job, and we have been adjusting to the heat ever since.