What do you want
to see on Twentysomething?

Clamoring for an update on a certain classmate? Eager to share an event with fellow Class of 2002 members? Feedback is appreciated.

E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Ben Zou

Remember the guy who threw the BEST graduation party ever?? We catch up with the former track athlete turned father.


Favorite High School Memory: Track/swim team parties

Favorite High School Class: AP European History

Favorite High School Activity: Theater (My brief stint)

In high school, I'd spend my weekends: Freshman and sophomore years: Studying/competing Junior and senior years: Hanging out with friends, mostly watching movies

In 2010, I spend my weekends: Playing with my kids

Any final thoughts on the class of 2002?
Can't believe how old we're getting.

What He's Up to Now:
Ben received his J.D. from Washington University in St. Louis and is married with two children. He lives in the New York City area and works as a partner at a private equity fund based out of China. He also moonlights with some various legal and consulting work.