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to see on Twentysomething?

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E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Cassidy (Milne) Merrill

We catch up with softball state champion Cassidy, still a sports lover and now a new mom.


Favorite High School Memory: Oh where do I begin?! I would have to say winning the Softball State Championship my Junior and Senior years. I have so many memories of the fun times we had at all the games and practices, but to win state two years in a row is unforgettable. Another memory I cannot leave out would have to be the powder puff football games during Homecoming week. I will never forget the year the field was just pure mud and we had a blast just sliding around in it. I loved Homecoming week!

Favorite High School Class: Mrs. Toone's Photography class. Oh, I just loved that lady. Enough said.

Favorite High School Activity: Pretty much any sport. I think I ended up doing all of them at one point (soccer, basketball, softball, track and cheerleading), but I would say softball was my favorite.

In 2002, I spent my weekends: I think we all have the same answer here... driving around looking for something to do! How many hours did we waste searching for a party or just somewhere to go?! Also, lots and lots of softball tournaments.

In 2011, I spend my weekends: Moving to Utah, out of the humidity, has made the outdoors very enjoyable. We live 5 minutes from Utah Lake, where we love to go boating and wake boarding. We also take advantage of the beautiful mountains here; hiking, snowboarding, and running up the canyon with our little dog Nelly. A lot of my weekends are spent training for half-marathons, marathons and any race I can find. I love spending time with my amazing husband, Greg and our new addition, baby Oakley!

Anything else to add about Lafayette or the Class of 2002?
I am very grateful for the opportunity I had to attend LHS. Working in two different high schools here in Utah has made me realize how amazing our education and overall school experience was. I had and still have many great friendships from the class of 2002 that I will cherish forever. Thank you for all the great memories!

What Cassidy is Up To Now

I have been living in Orem, Utah since graduating high school in 2002. Met my amazing husband and married in 2005. I graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in Community Health Education. Went on to get my teaching license, and taught High School Resource for two years. I recently decided to put in my resignation to become a stay at home mom! We had the blessing of bringing our little girl, Oakley into the world on December 24th, 2010 right before Christmas and the New Year! Best Christmas yet! I am in love with my new little family!