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to see on Twentysomething?

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E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Colin Kerr

He works at a two hundred year old church and has authored two books. We check in with Class of 2002's Colin Kerr.


Favorite High School Memory: Snow days.

Favorite High School Class: AP European History with Mr. Brandon

Favorite High School Activity: Volleyball

In high school, I'd spend my weekends: Usually playing computer games at my house. Social awkwardness will do that.

In 2009, I spend my weekends: Surfing, playing beach volleyball, being a beach bum in general, writing non-fiction and working at the church.

Anything else to add about Lafayette or the Class of 2002?
I remember the class of 2002 being a major influence on my desire to be politically active and to treat the disrespected with respect and compassion.

What He's Up to Now:
Colin serves as the Director of Christian Education at the two hundred-year-old Second Presbyterian Church in Charleston, South Carolina and is the host of Talks on Tap, a beer-and-philosophy outreach forum. He is author of two books, including A Heaven-Backed Rebellion: Uncovering the Political Vision of Christian Liberals.