What do you want
to see on Thirtysomething?

Clamoring for an update on a certain classmate? Eager to share an event with fellow Class of 2002 members? Feedback is appreciated.

E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Molly (Dean) Gage

Check out what Molly has been up to in the 12 years since we've left the hallowed halls of Lafayette.


Favorite High School Class 10th grade English (is that the technical name?) with Mr. Willard. I went the entire first day at LHS not knowing a soul (and eating lunch in the bathroom stall a la Lindsey Lohan in Mean Girls) to having instant friends in his 5th period class. Yes, he bribed them to be my friends, but the impact on my life was still the same. That class gave me the boost I needed at a new school, and Lord of the Flies is still one of my favorite books!

Favorite High School Activity: A tie between homecoming week and early out Fridays... Or was it Mondays? Whatever day - it was legit awesome, and never have I been able to eat Jack in the Box and then run 3 miles like I could back then.

Favorite High School Memory: Spraining my neck playing toe tag. Or maybe when I found out that the civil war was not exxxaaactly what I had learned growing up in Texas and South Carolina. Ha.

In 2002, I spent my weekends: working at Macaroni Grill and hanging out with friends. Blissfully sleeping in with nothing to do half of the time on Saturday mornings.

In 2014, I spend my weekends: thankful my husband is home to help me wrangle and feed babies, volunteering as a docent at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston (if you are in town, I will give you a tour!), and occasionally hiring the 15 year old on my street to watch the twins so Terry and I can go pretend to be 20 something's with all of my single friends. Ha. Oh and watching Texas A&M dominate on Saturdays during football season. Boom.

Anything you'd like to add about the Class of 2002?

Moving in the middle of high school absolutely changed my life for the better. What seemed like the worst thing that could ever happen to me, ended up being the best. I am forever thankful to such an accepting group of friends and the memories I made in the short time I spent in St. Louis.

What I'm up to now

Mom of twins living in Houston, as is most of my family. One brother went rogue and moved to Dallas. I love the humidity, tex mex, and no state income tax. My husband is an attorney from East Texas, and proves Matthew McConaughey's accent is fabricated. We met after college, but both went to A&M. I was an accountant in my life pre kids, and I haven't decided if I will go back to work or not. For now, volunteering and playing with babies is keeping me busy. And obvi, I still love the Cardinals and Macaroni Grill 😊