What do you want
to see on Twentysomething?

Clamoring for an update on a certain classmate? Eager to share an event with fellow Class of 2002 members? Feedback is appreciated.

E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old...

Ten years later, see how Erin Emmons, Ashley (McCarthy) Cook, Megan Kimball, Chelsea (Tucker) Hartwig and Katie (Schierholz) Greffet are still close.


What was your friendship like 10 years ago?
Erin Emmons: In high school we had a great group of friends. We spent most of our time hanging out in someone's basement or driving around trying to find somewhere to hang out. I remember always making sure we got lockers next to each other every year at orientation. There were more girls back then. Shout out to Rachel, Erin H, Katie, Abbey, Sarah and Angie. Would have been fun for everyone to join us in NYC! Can't wait to catch up at our 10 year reunion next summer!

What is your friendship like today? What do you do? How much do you see each other?
Katie Greffet: We are all still close friends and remain a part of each others' lives. We try to get together for dinner or drinks a few times a month since we all live in St. Louis. We meet at Mulligan's on a regular basis, or at one of our homes. It seems like we are always laughing when we're together - sometimes about high school and cheerleading stories. It's fun to talk about memories that we all share.

How has your friendship changed- Was it difficult to maintain? How did you overcome?
Megan Kimball: We don't get together every weekend like we did in high school or hang out at Saint Louis Bread Co. like we used to, but we still share the emotional bonds that made us friends in the first place. Even though we've all lived in different places over the years and sometimes have had to go weeks or months without seeing one another, we never lost sight of the importance of our friendship. With our busy lives it can be difficult to find time to get together, but we're committed to making our friendship last, no matter where that takes us!

Why do you feel lucky to still be in touch with 2002 HS friends?
Chelsea Hartwig: I feel lucky to still be in touch with my 2002 high school girlfriends for many reasons. These girls know me better than most friends I’ve made outside of high school, and even more than most of my family. When my husband and I moved back to St. Louis from Colorado six months ago, all of us girls picked up right where we left off. It was almost as if I hadn't been away for three years, and that meant a lot. Sometimes when we’re all together it’s fun to reminisce about high school memories and just laugh. My relationship with my high school friends is very dear to me and I wouldn’t change one single thing about any of them!