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2011 Scholarships Presentation

Jill McDonnell describes the 2011 Scholarships Presentation at Lafayette Senior Awards Night.

Last month I was on hand at Senior Awards Night to present the scholarships in honor of Ryan, Eric, Bobby and David to four deserving Lafayette High School seniors.

This year’s pool of applicants were especially talented, and after careful consideration we awarded the scholarship in memory of David to Erin Lichvar, who never misses a day at her part-time job and still manages to get straight As. Ryan’s scholarship went to Alex Spradlin, who attained the highest possible rank in the JROTC. Eric’s scholarship went to Natalie Ferree, whose father moved his family to West County so Natalie could attend Rockwood schools, where she’s taken classes that run the gamut from AP Music Theory to Metal Processing. Bobby’s scholarship’s was awarded to Claire Zetak, who hopes to use her Christian leadership skills in her future work as a nurse.

At one point during the speech I gave that evening I invited the parents of the boys to join me on stage. Hearing the roar of applause for them was incredible, as was the opportunity that happened after the awards presentation, when we met the senior class members who received their sons’ scholarships. Erin will be attending the University of Missouri in the fall, while Alex is off to the University of Mississippi, Natalie will attend DePaul University and Claire will attend Belmont University.

The night affirms for me, every year, how grateful our organization is for the support of our classmates, the parents and the Lafayette community, and how proud we are to remember our friends by lending a hand to these students. Below is the text of my speech, which I was so honored to deliver, as a proud member of the Class of 2002.

Good evening. Before I recognize the incredible achievements of this senior class, I’d like to take a moment to tell you about my class, the Class of 2002, and my friends our class has honored with these scholarships.

I remember sitting where you are tonight, nine years ago, and being on the cusp of so much exciting change, yet not wanting to leave our class behind. But in the years that have passed the Class of 2002 continued to remain connected, and it was the knowledge instilled in us by Lafayette and the fellowship we found in these halls that enabled us to pursue our dreams.

Ryan Trigg, who first felt the pull of patriotic duty in a high school politics class, proudly served the United States as a marine. Eric Gabel had numerous teachers throughout his 13 years in Rockwood Schools that helped him realize his potential. As a father to his son, Eric felt that same responsibility. Bobby Maessen was devoted to Christ, as evidenced by his involvement with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and was passionate about continuing to help others. And David Meyers, who balanced schoolwork with a part-time job while at LHS, continued to provide for himself and his new wife in later years.

Ryan, Eric, Bobby and David, who had so many dreams for themselves and for their families, sadly did not live to see their 25th birthdays. And the Class of 2002, yet again, united to honor our friends and our time at Lafayette through these scholarships.

We hold bi-yearly fundraisers, and have a website devoted to keeping our class connected. At this time I’d like to thank the parents of Ryan, Eric, Bobby and David for their support of our scholarship fund, and who I now invite to join me on stage.

The students we recognize this evening have made the most out of high school and it is our greatest hope that the four individuals we award in honor of our friends tonight will make the most of their college years, for themselves and in memory of Ryan, Eric, Bobby and David.