What do you want
to see on Twentysomething?

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E-mail Jill McDonnell at mcdonnell.jill@gmail.com.

Vicky (MacDonnell) Heger

She always made you laugh at Lafayette...catch up with funny (married) lady Vicky (MacDonnell) Heger.


Favorite High School Memory: I wouldn't say this is a "favorite" but it certainly is prominent. One time junior year i was talked into being Louie for a pep assembly and the boys swim team found out. They spent the 15 minutes before entering the gym picking on me, and there was nothing I could do because I was wearing a giant head.

Favorite High School Class: AP Studio senior year or chorale junior year

Favorite High School Activity: Being awesome... which is something I still do today.

In 2002, I'd spend my weekends: hanging out with friends.

In 2010, I spend my weekends: hanging out with Beans (her son Charlie).

What She's Up to Now:
Vicky married husband John in May 2007, and they welcomed son Charlie in 2009.